Veronika Decides to Die

“Everyone had their own theory about everything, and they believed that their truth was the only one that mattered.” 


Veronika Decides to Die
Written by Paulo Coelho
Published January 1, 1998


When I first heard about Veronika Decides to Die, it was seeing film stills from the 2009 movie starring Sarah Michelle Gellar. One shot that has engrained itself in my mind is Gellar in a rowboat on a lake. My initial assumption of the film was that it would be a dark comedy, so when I saw it, I was blown away by the dramatic performances. 

Fast forward 14 years when I managed to sit down and read this enthralling novel. Set in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Veronika is a young woman who attempts to commit suicide by overdosing using sleeping pills. The suicide is a failure, only putting her into a short-lived coma. When Veronika wakes, she learns that she only has a few days to live and must spend the remainder of her time in the hospital surrounded by a cast of characters who suffer from depression, panic attacks, schizophrenia, and more. 

Despite being a short novel of 209 pages, this story packs a punch and is loaded with moments that will make you think and feel deeply. I don’t want to say much only because I don’t want to ruin it; however, if you are looking for a book that will tug at your heartstrings, this is a must-read! 

Location Explanation: While I could have gone with a darker photo, I have always associated this location with this story. Why? One might ask. Well, in 2009, when I first heard about this film and saw the photo of Gellar in the rowboat, imagining it was a dark comedy, I thought to myself… Okay, more like fantasized about making a movie here, placing a character in a rowboat similarly. Also, I worked here in 2009. 

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